Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All About: Uniforms and Patches...

Some questions lately about patches...
1) Den Number/Patrol Patch (Webelos wear patrol patches) (your den leader has patches).
Right sleeve, just below US Flag
2) Council Patch (Greater Pittsburgh) (in "starter bag")
Left Sleeve at shoulder seam
3) Pack 661 (in "starter bag")
Left sleeve, below Council (Greater Pgh) (leave 1/2 inch or so between patches)
4) World Crest (purple Fleur de lis) (in "starter bag")
Above left pocket, leave 1 inch between pocket flap
5) Advancements (Tiger/Wolf/Bear/Webelos)..earn through the years
On left pocket, see above pictures (link) for positions
6) Quality Unit (not yet distributed to all Scouts)
Right sleeve, 2-3 inches below flag (see above pictures (link))
7) activity patches (Scouting for Food/camping/pinewoord derby/fun day....)
These can go in a "temporary" mode on the right pocket. Some of them have loops to put on the button. One patch on the uniform at a time. They do not go on the back of the uniform - you can do a red vest and put patches on a vest.

Excerpt from "Guide for New Parents"...
The Pack provides (as part of sign-up/dues costs) all patches for the uniform.
Due to the individuality of sizes, the Pack encourages you to purchase your son’s scouting shirt. While there are socks, hats and pants available, we do not require them. Some scouts love to have the top-to-bottom apparel; really the shirt is most important.

We will not turn any Scout away due to financial/uniform concerns! Please contact Cubmaster if assistance is needed.

The official uniform:
1st Grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade
Blue Cub Scout Shirt......Purchased by family
(Dunhams, flag plaza ( for times),
* We hear that Dunham's stock is slim; suggest
flag plaza (Pgh beside Mellon Arena) or online

Navy blue pants, jeans, blue
Neckerchief and patches.......................Provided by Pack
Optional: belt loop, hats,

4th grade, 5th grade
Blue Cub or Khaki Boy Scout shirt (suggest khaki).....Purchased by family
(Dunhams, flag plaza ( for times),
* We hear that Dunham's stock is slim; suggest
flag plaza (Pgh beside Mellon Arena) or online
Navy blue or khaki pants/shorts or
Neckerchief and patches.................................provided by Pack
Optional: belt loop, hats,

Boys should wear their uniform to den and pack meetings, except when activities could cause damage (eg, painting/wood cutting). Leaders will let you know when to leave the uniform at home…

The uniform should also be worn at all Scouting activities, such as scouting for food, popcorn sales, non-dirty community service, parades.

1st grades/Tiger Cubs: There is no need to buy the orange t-shirt (unless you see it on sale for .99 and he wants one). That shirt is no longer the official Tiger uniform – Tigers wear the Blue shirt like all Cub Scouts!

Shirt colors:
Boys in grades 1,2,3 wear blue Cub Scout shirts.
Boys in grades 4 & 5 (Webelos) have the option of blue (Cub Scout) or khaki (Boy Scout Shirts). (We recommend khaki as this carried forward as they become Boy Scouts in 6th grade).

Buy Big!

Where to buy shirts/other:
Dunham’s Sporting Goods (Bridgeville)
Flag Plaza Scout Shop (Pittsburgh beside Mellon Arena

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pack News & Notes 9/28/2009

In the chaos of the Pack Meeting, here are some notes that might get lost in the excitement!

Check-In Table
New this year, please check in at the main table and "sign in" so that we know who all made it! tonight we'll be welcoming new Cubs with neckerchiefs and have books for all Cubs!
Tonight's game plan is online

Fun Day
Last Chance to sign up. Registration closes as of 3 pm on Wednesday 9/30!

Popcorn Sale
Tonight we kick off our one and only fundraiser to support our Program...find out what's popping in the document: Popcorn 2009

Long List of Little Jobs
We need you! Stay tuned for the long list of little jobs; can you spare an hour sometime over the next 11 months to make sure that this Scouting program is a success for your son(s)?

Night at the Musuem
Unfortunately, this November event at the Heinz History Center is completely sold out. Stay tuned as we find another overnighter event!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Den Meetings, New Cub Information/Sign-Up Night

All Returning should have heard from your Den Leader regarding your first den meeting. If, for some reason, you have not yet heard about your first gathering, please e-mail! Thanks!

If you know of a friend who is interested in joining, our information/sign-up night will be next Monday, September 14 at 7pm in Fellowship Hall (where we have Pinewood Derby and Blue&Gold).

We hope to have a meeting for new Tigers (1st graders) sometime between the 14th and the 28th...

Our first Pack Meeting of the year will be on Monday, Sept 28. The plans for the evening are located online:

The schedule is constantly being updated via the Website; please note also the sign-up is now available for this year's Cub Fun Day. Also, the Fall Fun Fest of November is in limbo due to the Baker Caper and Streams Stravaganza being on the same day! We are trying to reschedule!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Conestoga District Cub Fun Day-October 11

Scouting is a Sure Shot
Conestoga District Cub Fun Day
Sunday, October 11, 2009 at 1:00pm
Registration begins at 12:30
Where: South Park Oval
Who: All Cub Scouts, Webelos and new recruits!!
Cost: No charge to Cubs of Pack 661 !

Come join us in a fun filled and exciting day as we present our version of a Cub Shooting Event. Allevents will be based on things that fly. Current rotations include Archery, BB guns, catapults, slingshots,finger rockets and more. (list is subject to change)

Sign up now!

List of Cubs signed up...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pack Meeting Plans - September 2009

The initial plans for the upcoming Pack meeting will be posted at the beginning of each month.
Be sure to check for your den/patrol in the plans to see what role you will play in the fun!

* Additional details to the plans will be posted 1-2 times later in month, but patrol/den roles will not shift!