Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Last Call for Popcorn Order Forms!

Today (Wed. 10/28/2009) is the last day to submit popcorn orders! If you missed the Pack Meeting and have not submitted your form to Jeff or Cecilia, please get it to the Cubmaster's house TODAY. E-mail if you need directions or for extenuating circumstances....

A great sale so far; our top seller is Austin H. with over $2,300 in sales. More stats when the dust settles.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pack Meeting Reminder; Monday 10/26 7pm

A reminder that we'll gather as a full Pack on Monday 10/26 at 7pm in Westminster's Fellowship Hall ! Dan R will be leading the evening of skits, awards and Den Time ! Popcorn forms/money will be turned in during Den Time in the 2nd half of the evening.

A great time today (sunday 10/25) at the Monster Parade in Montclair neighborhood benefitting Patrick O' ! ( Organized by Felicia M of Montclair, it was great to see such a huge turnout of support from all over the township for this....over 250 people had registered (including a good number of Cub Scouts!) for the parade and festivities. Patrick was there and looked to be in good spirits !

Please rsvp for the Nov 6-7-8 campout at Elson Farm. The deadline to sign up is quickly approaching !

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pack Meeting next Monday - 10/26/2009

The traditional "one week reminder!"

Pack Meeting next Monday, 10/26 at 7pm.

  • We'll have advancements for those who missed Blue&Gold and last Pack Meeting.
  • Neckerchiefs for even more new Cubs!
  • Den Time to discuss advancements, upcoming events, turn in Popcorn forms...
*** Don't forget your popcorn form and money ***
(Popcorn forms will be turned in during Den Time)

*** If you need more popcorn forms to do some more selling, please let us know !

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Event: 10/25 Monster Benefit Parade for Patrick O'

November of 2008, Patrick O’ (a Cub Scout of Pack 661) was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma.
Over the past 11 months, Patrick has had two surgeries, rounds of chemotherapy, and undergone two stem cell transplants. At this time, there is no evidence of cancer in his system.
However, the risk of reoccurrence is high and in order to reduce the risk, Patrick is now participating in a clinical trial for an antibody therapy that can only be administered at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. This is a two-year treatment plan which requires monthly and bi-monthly treatments over the next two years. In addition, he will require trips for surgery, radiation, and long-term follow-up.
A fund has been set-up to help assist in the long-term care of Patrick O'. Through this fundraiser, we are hoping to eliminate some of the financial burden for his family. Therefore, we hope you and your family will support and participate in this fun family event. The O family extends their personal thanks for all who have prayed and cared for them during this very challenging time.
The neighborhood of Montclair Estates is proud to support the
“Patrick O’ Cancer Fund”
You are invited to join us for a
Sunday, October 25th
4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Montclair Estates
, Upper St. Clair, PA

$10.00 per family donation
All proceeds will be donated to the Patrick O’ Cancer Fund
Prizes will be awarded for the Scariest, Most Original and Cutest Costumes
Share your talent by participating in our pumpkin decorating contest.
Prizes will be awarded for Best Carved and Most Original

Hot Dogs and snacks will be served at the end of the parade!

Arrive: Check in will start at 3:30 p.m. located on the corner of Clairmont Dr. and Meadowmont Dr.
Parade route: Parade starts at 4:00 p.m. at 2183 Clairmont Dr. and ends at Montclair Pool Parking lot (Sherbrook Dr. )
Festivities location: Montclair Pool Parking Lot located on Sherbrook Dr.
Parking: Greystone Dr. and Meadowmont Dr.
RSVP: Appreciated by October 20. Please call Felicia at 412.221.0316 or Walk-In’s are also welcome.

{to protect privacy, as with all posts on the Cub Scout Website, Patrick's last name has been intentionally abbreviated}

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday Night Adult Planning Meeting in Room 131 (The Parlour)

Friday Night's adult planning meeting will be at Westminster Church in room 131. Also known as "The Parlour." Enter through the doors by the playground..make a left up the hallway to the last doorway on the left.

Steve M (our Committee Chair) will start the meeting at 7pm with pizza and drinks...

Even if you didn't get a chance to sign up, please feel free to join in !

Are you ready for some camping (November 6-7-8) ??

Fall Camping!
As soccer, football and other fall sports start to wrap up, we look forward to our annual November camping trip!

Each fall, Pack 661 descends upon the Elson Farm, located in nearby Toronto, Ohio (just north of Stuebenville - 50-60 minutes from Westminster).

There is no charge and yes, it is a family event!

Planning is underway and
the registration form is here for you to sign up !

Note: Some of you will be glad to know that the Cubmaster will {not} be leading the hike this year. This brings a sense of relief to those who were on last year's "3 hour tour!"

Already signed up:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Yes - Fri Night Adult meeting is open to All!

A few questions have come in..."Is this Friday's 7pm meeting just for leaders, or is it open to all families (adults)?"

It is absolutely open to all, and you are certainly invited! This is a great opportunity to share information, learn about what's going on and get to meet each other!

7pm; location tbd based on number of people!

Planning to attend? Please RSVP

Workshop on Scouting; led by Colleen P
Fall Camping planning
Budget Update
Open Discussion (den activities, resource needs&sharing, etc.)
A look ahead to November and December!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adult/Leader Planning Meeting; Fri 10/9/2009

On Friday night we will have an adult/leader planning meeting.
Time: 7pm
Location: to-be-determined (based on number of people coming!)

All those who plan to attend: please rsvp - Thanks!

  • Workshop on Scouting; led by Colleen P
  • Fall Camping planning
  • Budget Update
  • Open Discussion (den activities, resource needs&sharing, etc.)
  • A look ahead to November and December!

Monday, October 5, 2009

All About - Popcorn Sale information

A few questions that have come in...
1-Key Dates
2-Online Ordering
3-"Make Checks out to..."
4-The Order Form - tips and tricks
more info: Popcorn Info flyer

1-Key Dates
Oct 18 1:30pm – Popcorn selling blitz. (We will meet at Westminster Church in the parking lot). This is for scouts who would like to "team up" with another scout to head out into USC neighborhoods...this is an optional event for any who would like to buddy-up!

Oct 26 7pm (Pack Meeting) – All Popcorn orders and money due to Popcorn Kernel. (Original sheets only with Scout's name and prize information clearly written in the appropriate lines. No photocopies please. Originals will be returned at distribution)
(If you finish sooner and would like to hand in orders earlier, please contact!)

Nov 21 time-TBD – Popcorn pickup
(Volunteers with trucks are needed as well as volunteers to help sort and distribute the popcorn)

2-Online Ordering:
To create an account for online ordering:
Select the Create Account in the upper right hand corner...
I am in a Pack
Number 661
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Zip Code15241
Scouts birthday
Parents name
Parent e-mail
* Ignore the scout ID # field.

Once you create the account, your scout can create a cartoon/avatar of himself. Once he creates his cartoon you can send emails (which will include the cartoon) and save the emails for future use. There are also a lot of other fun things on the site for the scout to do.

3- "Make Checks out to:"
"Cub Scout Pack 661"
-or- "Pack 661"

4 -The Order Form - tips and tricks
If you have customers having trouble finding an item that they see on the glossy page on the order listing's a tip: Each item has a small symbol beside the picture (a christmas tree, or a circle, or a triangle, or a "C", or....). That same symbol is shown on the order listing page at the top. What we do is - Customer says "I want two of these" - we look for the little symbol and then direct them to the same on the other side "That's the little Christmas tree" or "That's the double circle." It really helps navigate from the back to the front of the pages!

Do you have other tips and tricks? Send a comment in!