Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Last Call ! Ski Trip to Hidden Valley; Mon 1/30/11

Last call to sign up! Contact cubscouts661@verizon.net asap if interested...

Boy Scout Troop 366 Annual Ski Trip

January 30 Hidden Valley Ski Resort
As in past years, Troop 366 extends an invitation to all Scouting families for the Troop 366 Annual Ski Trip at Hidden Valley on January 30, 2012, from 10:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
(Suggested arrival time is between 9-9:30 A.M. to allow time for processing.) This is a related "family and friends" event. Scouts attending will be responsible for their own travel arrangements and must have an adult who is responsible for them.

$28/person for ski/board rental, ticket, and beginner lesson (lift ticket only = $16/person)

ALL PAYMENTS DUE BY JAN. 27! (Checks made out to Mack Godfrey, please.)

Sign up via cubscouts661@verizon.net (Please make a commitment and a payment -- the Troop does not receive refunds if you commit but don't attend/pay.)

Forms will be available prior to the trip (to save time at Hidden Valley, please fill them out at home).

Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Winter; time for some outdoor fun...

Boy Scout Troop 366 Annual Ski Trip
January 30 Hidden Valley Ski Resort
As in past years, Troop 366 extends an invitation to all Scouting families for the Troop 366 Annual Ski Trip at Hidden Valley on January 30, 2012, from 10:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
(Suggested arrival time is between 9-9:30 A.M. to allow time for processing.) This is a related "family and friends" event. Scouts attending will be responsible for their own travel arrangements and must have an adult who is responsible for them.

$28/person for ski/board rental, ticket, and beginner lesson (lift ticket only = $16/person)

ALL PAYMENTS DUE BY JAN. 27! (Checks made out to Mack Godfrey, please.)

Sign up via cubscouts661@verizon.net (Please make a commitment and a payment -- the Troop does not receive refunds if you commit but don't attend/pay.)

Forms will be available prior to the trip (to save time at Hidden Valley, please fill them out at home).

Council event; Winter weekend at Heritage Reservation
A new weekend (Feb 3-5) has just been added; all others are sold out!
check out info at: http://www.heritagereservation.org/winter/winterc.php

Council Events; Nemacolin Woodlands Ski and Snowboard Days
check out info at http://www.heritagereservation.org/winter/nemacolin.php

District Event: Cub Winter Wonderland
Feb 25 at Trax Farms
9am - 3pm
$10/youth, $5/adult (includes lunch)
Registration deadline 2/17
Contact cubscouts661@verizon.net for more info.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pinewood Derby Information; Rules 'n 'at

The Derby team is planning for a great 2012 Pinewood Derby event....

Here are the official race rules:

Below are the basic rules we abide by.
The Pinewood Derby Committee’s decisions will be final.
All cars must pass inspection to qualify for the race.
You may not use cars from previous years
Following are the inspection points
1. The car weight shall not exceed 5.0 ounces. The official race scale shall be considered final.
2. The overall length of the car shall not exceed 7 inches.
3. The overall width of the car shall not exceed 2 ¾ inches.
4. The car must have 1 ¾” clearance between the wheels.
5. The car must have 3/8” clearance underneath the body. Overall height may not exceed 6”.
6. The wheels supplied with the kit must be used. The wheels may not be cut, drilled, beveled or rounded. You may remove the seam from the wheels.
7. The axles supplied with the kit must be used. They may be polished or lubricated, but you must use powdered graphite/silicon. NO OIL
8. Wheel bearings, washers or bushings are prohibited.
9. The car must not ride on any type of springs.
10. The car must be freewheeling, with no starting devices.
11. No loose material of any kind, such as lead shot, may be used.
12. Due to the large size of the Pack and in the interest of keeping a smooth operation on Race Day, February 18th, the official weigh in will be Friday, February 17th between 7 and 9 PM, The cars will be secured in the Pit overnight and will be ready to race when the Pack assembles on Race Day.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Reminder: Adult Meeting Mon 1/16

A reminder:::

Leadership meeting, Monday January 16
Room 107 at 8:00 PM

Stay warm.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pinewood Derby; February (17) and 18th !

So, are you ready for some racing??

(yep, we'll be working on ours the day before the race too!)

If you haven't received your official Pinewood Derby car kit, please contact your Den Leader.
Race Day this year is Saturday, February 18.
Check-in will be Friday evening, February 17.

Official pack rules, regulations and design categories are forthcoming.

Need some tips, tricks and ideas?
Check out http://boyslife.org/section/hobbies-projects/pinewood-derby/

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pack Meeting Monday 1/9/12...


A message from Cubmaster Rick...

Pack meeting Monday 1/9/12!

More Pinewood Derby updates!A little Blue and Gold, Scouting for Food, and Scout Sunday news on the way also. How about the whole Spring calendar!

Also, adults: Leadership meetings will now be held on the third Monday of every month and 8:00 PM in Room 107. For January that would be on the 16th. The only exception to the third Monday rule will be in March - we will meet on the 12th (second Monday) for final B&G planning.Leadership meeting dates:

  • January 16

  • February 20

  • March 12

  • April 16

  • May 21