Monday, December 15, 2014

Pack Meeting Tonight, 12/15!

Just a quick reminder, we have a pack meeting tonight and it's Pinewood Derby Car distribution night! If your Scout has a car from previous years, bring it along, as we plan to have the track up and open for racing. SPECIAL NOTE - we are meeting in Room 107 (NOT Fellowship Hall), also known as the Boy Scout Room, which is the large room near the playground at Westminster. The meeting begins promptly at 7 - see you there!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pack Meeting and Court of Honor tomorrow night, 11/10/2014

We're looking forward to tomorrow night's Court of Honor at our Pack Meeting. Parents, please plan on sitting with your Cub and the rest of his pack.

Below is an outline of the evening:

We begin at 7 pm with the Opening
Flags by: Bears
  1. Baby Shark song
  2. What is a Court of Honor?
  3. Welcome to new Cubs – invitation to cross the bridge into the Pack 
  4. Candle ceremony 
  5. Awards: Bobcats to new scouts
  6. Awards: Summer Activity 
  7. What I did this past summer
    1. Day Camp (Cub from Day Camp)
    2. Heritage (Cub from Heritage)
  8. Webelos colors 
  9. Webelos achievement badges
  10. Something fun to do this winter:
    1. Winter weekend at Heritage
  11. Induction of Den Chiefs, Pack Chiefs
  12. Addition of rings to the pack links (as time allows)
Closing Flags: Bears
Looking ahead to next month - Pinewood Derby car distribution (meeting in Room 107) on December 15, 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Reminder: Popcorn Pickup is Today!

Popcorn Pickup is TODAY, 11/8/2014, from 11 AM-1 PM at the Westminster Church Fellowship Hall.

If you are unable to pick up popcorn during that time frame, you can pick up your order at Jason Young's home. Please call him to let him know if you need to do so. Contact if you need Jason's address and phone number.

Thanks for all of your efforts for this year's sale!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Popcorn Pickup is THIS Saturday!

Popcorn Pickup is this Saturday, 11/8/2014, from 11 AM-1 PM at the Westminster Church Fellowship Hall.

If you are unable to pick up popcorn during that time frame, you can pick up your order at Jason Young's home. Please email if you need his address and phone information.

Thanks for all of your efforts for this year's sale!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Pack Meeting Tonight, 10/13

We have a fantastic pack meeting lined up for tonight.  April Claus, from Interactive Environmental Programs, is presenting a one-hour session on Pennsylvania Amphibians and Reptiles.

Because the program is one hour, and because we'll have live guests as part of the program, we ask that everyone be at the meeting before 7 PM so that we can start promptly and not run too long! We also ask that parents please sit in and around your Scouts as they sit with their dens. We need our Scouts to be paying attention to the program and not getting noisy and excited, so please help to keep our scouts focused!  

We also ask that all parents please bring a check for $50, payable to Pack 661, and drop it off at the table as you enter the meeting room. Please write your check in advance so we can be seated and start the program promptly. This is for dues, which were discussed and resolved at our 10/6 Parent's meeting.

See you tonight!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Register Now for Pack 366's Fall Campout - October 18-19

When: Saturday and Sunday, October 18-19, 2014.  Arrive when you can on Saturday, any time from 11 am - lunch will be available, as will afternoon snacks, and dinner.  Have another commitment that morning? That's okay - come out to the farm once you're done!
Sunday's itinerary is basically wake up, eat, clean up, and go home.

Where: Elson Farm, Toronto, Ohio (a little over an hour away, slightly north of Weirton and Steubenville) Directions will be provided to all campers via email.

Who:  All Scouts and their families are welcome.  Yes, Scouts, dads and/or moms, and siblings.

What:  This is a great introduction to camping.  The farm provides us with ample room for activities, hiking, exploration, campfire, and fun.  As a Cub Scout level camp out, we're not totally "roughing it" as there are indoor facilities including a kitchen and bathrooms.  While everyone is encouraged to sleep outside in tents, there is some limited space inside as well.  If you don't own a tent or other equipment, let us know - we can help find some for you to borrow. 

What to bring:  Tent, sleeping bags, changes of clothes and shoes.  Please leave electronics at home!

Registration: Please register your scout and any accompanying family members. Send registration to no later than Tuesday evening, October 14. Please include your scout's name(s) and the name(s) of any adults attending as well.

Also, parents, we do need your help for this experience!  Things parents do - meal planning, food and supply purchasing (reimbursed by the pack), meal preparation, planning and running activities for Saturday afternoon, campfire.  While this list may look daunting, it's really not that bad.  If you'd like to help, let us know and pick a task.  We will team people up as much as possible, and give you whatever guidance you need.  One great thing about these camp outs - the whole idea is for the scouts to be introduced to camping and to have fun.  As adults, that's our job too!

Cost: None.  All costs are covered by the pack.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Parents/Adults Meeting Tomorrow Night, 10/6

All adults are invited to the planning meeting for Pack 366 tomorrow night at 8 pm in Room 107 at Westminster Presbyterian Church. We will set the budget for the year, including dues, popcorn sales credits, and Cub accounts. Any who wants to share his/her thoughts and input should attend. We look forward to seeing you then!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Cub Fun Day 2014 - Don't Miss It!

Summer is over, but the fun is just getting started!

When: Sunday, 10/12/14
Where: Spreading Oak, Altoona, and Monroe Groves in South Park
Times: 11 AM to 3 Pm (approximately)
Why: Because it's fun!

Many scheduled events including Archery, BB, Slingshots, Rubber-band Guns, and much, much more!

Cost is $9/Scout. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m., with the activities starting at 11 a.m. The Pack must pre-register. If you plan on attending, please email your RSVP to no later than Friday, October 3 (by 6 pm). We'll collect your $9 at check-in on the twelfth.

Also needed: 2-3 adults with younger Scouts to learn the registration ropes this year from Brandon (our Cub Fun Day guru), as he will be moving up with his sons to Boy Scouts when they cross over this spring.

Hope to see lots of you on the 12th!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Troop Track Update

A quick word about Troop Track - apologies for any confusion that may have occurred from the automatic update that recently distributed. The blank den meetings that showed up were placeholders until the den schedules were finalized. The system is still a work in progress - and we are still learning the quirks - so thanks for bearing with us!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Popcorn Dates and Info

Here are the dates to know for the 2014 Popcorn Sale!

  • 10/17/2014: Final day of popcorn sales
  • 10/18/2014: Drop off your completed sales form with payment to Jason Young at his home between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. If you will not be available to drop off your popcorn data by 10/18 please let Jason know ahead of time so we can make other arrangements
  • 11/8/2014: Proposed popcorn delivery date
  • 12/13/2014: Last day for online sales
    • While online popcorn sales can continue through 12/13/14, after 10/22/14 the scouts will not get any credit for prizes. However, the Pack will receive funds for any online sales that occur through 12/13/14.
  • Checks should be made payable to Pack 661. Already made them payable to Pack 366? Don’t worry! We are in the process of setting up a new account as Pack 366 and the likelihood is that set-up will be complete in time to deposit checks made payable to Pack 366.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

9/8 Pack Meeting Schedule - see you tomorrow!

Flags by: Webelos I or Webelos IIs (Jeff Godish or Greg Sarkett’s)
Tom the Toad song
Welcome to Pack 366 (Jeff & Brandon)\
Installation of Pack Chiefs

Start @ 7:10, 7:20, 7:30 for 10mins each:
Cubs move through stations
Station G
Game (Nick Devlin)
Station N
Neckerchief Slides (Zach Zeh, Matt Hornak)
Station O
The Scout Oath and Law – an introduction (Dylan Jenny, Mr. Devlin or another Boy Scout)
All gather into main area for welcome of new scouts….
Welcome to new scouts
Neckerchiefs for new scouts
Book distribution to returning scouts (provided to Den Leaders)
7:55 pm
Cubmasters Minute
Webelos Is or Webelos IIs

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Pack Meeting this Monday, 9/8!

Join us at the first Pack Meeting of the year Monday night, September 8, at 7 pm in Fellowship Hall at Westminster Presbyterian Church! We're asking that each Cub Scout invite 1-2 friends to check out the Pack on Monday night. Guests can join right in and be a part from the start!

While the boys have fun, we'll be sharing information and applications with all potential new families. Additionally, our Tigers will be receiving their neckerchiefs!

If you'd like a flier to print and use as an invitation, please email Shelby with the subject "Pack Meeting Invite." We look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Important Information About Pack Communications

We're in the process of moving our communications and pack management into a system called Troop Track. Later today you'll receive an email inviting you to log in to TroopTrack. It will include a link you can use to set your user name and password. Please complete this information as soon as possible to ensure that you are in the know about the pack! Questions? Contact us at

Pack 366 Pool Party

Kick off the Cub Scout year at our Pool Party!
Location: Montclair neighborhood pool, Sherbrook Drive
Date: Saturday, August 23, 2014

Time: 6pm-9pm
Dinner; Pizza at 6:30pm
The Pack will sponsor the pool rental, lifeguards, pizza and drinks. Please bring either a side dish or a dessert to share.This is a family event - all are invited!  Invite a friend who might be interested in Scouting! RSVP by Wednesday, 8/20 to

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sat. Aug 23 6pm - Pool Party - Save the Date!

Yes, it's that time again....time to think about Back to Sch (dare I finish that word?)
And with Back to Sch, Pack 366 starts another Scouting Year... (I almost wrote Pack 661 - old habits die hard)

Save the date! 
Our annual swim party at the Montclair neighborhood pool !

Saturday, August 23

We do not yet have a planning team for this; would appreciate some folks to take the lead on food planning and preparations - contact

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Reminder: Pack Meeting Monday 6/9 7pm Westminster

A reminder that the Pack will gather to close out the 2013-2014 Scouting Year on Monday June 9 at 7pm in Westminster's Fellowship Hall.

Join in Cubmaster Lang's traditional end-of-year treat for the Cubs as we bid a huge Scouting Thank You to Rick for his years of service as Cubmaster.

Brandon Ritchie will be providing Day Camp info to those who are attending Day Camp in June.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Westminster Playground Clean-up: This Saturday 5/31 from 10 am - noon

Attention all Scouts, parents and siblings! 

This Saturday, 5/31 10am-noon,  is our annual good turn for the Westminster Church.  All helping hands are welcome as we clean up the playground and get it in shape for the season.  This is not only a great thank you to the church but a wonderful volunteer activity for the boys and their help is truly needed and appreciated.  We will sweep, rake and generally straighten up the entire playground area so please dress accordingly (outside "play" clothes) and bring any of the following tools to help:

  - Grass Rake
  - Push Broom, Regular Broom
  - Dust Pan
  - Flat Head Shovel
  - Garbage Bags
  - Lawn Debris Paper Bags
  - Leaf Blower or Weed Eater/Trimmer - for adult usage only, no Scouts are permitted to use power tools

Please don't leave this volunteer activity for someone else to do, we need you!  The more hands the faster it goes!

In case of inclement weather please do check your email Saturday morning prior to leaving for the church.  If we have to cancel we will announce it via email.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Adult/Leader Meeting Tonight (Monday 5/19) 8:15pm Room 107

Tonight's adult/leader meeting will begin at 8:15pm (and be done by 9pm).  We will gather in Room 107 (enter by playground, turn right down hallway).
All are welcome as we plan the coming months.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Community Day Parade Plans

Community Day Parade begins at 11:30  Please meet at 11:00 in the High School parking lot above the stadium.  Everyone is welcome to join.

Dress for the weather...  the current forecast for 11 AM is 50 degrees with a chance of rain.  Scouts should wear either their Red Class B or Blue/Tan Class A shirts so we stand out as a group.

Remind your scouts that we will give them candy to toss once the parade reaches McLaughlin Run Road.  Each scout will have one bag to last for the whole parade- same some for the end!

Please also talk about the importance of tossing the candy gently and low on the ground- sometimes excitement takes over and we don't want our spectators (most of them are kids) getting hit and hurt.

USC Community Day Schedule

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Important! Fast question: RSVP for Community Day parade

If your scout plans on marching in the Community Day Parade this Saturday, Please Please Please send an email to right now to confirm his attendance!  We need a head count so we know how many bags of candy to make for the scouts who march in the parade!

Count is needed by Thursday night, so please RSVP as soon as you get this message.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Monday, May 12, 7pm, Cub Scout Court of Honor

Looking ahead to Monday night...

Join Cub Scout Pack 661 366 as we celebrate the achievements of the year in our May Court of Honor. Scouts will receive their advancements (Den Leaders - please get that information in!) and also their new neckerchiefs for the next rank!  Our Tiger Cubs will become Wolves, Wolves become Bears - and Bears become Webelos.

Monday, May 12
Westminster Presbyterian Church

Friday, April 25, 2014

Pack 366 (!) news

Day camp early bird deadline was extended!  Day Camp is Wed-Thurs-Fri June 25-26-27 at South Park.  If you want to attend but have not yet signed up, please send an email to with “Day Camp” in the subject.  Please do it by Sunday night to take advantage of the $55 rate (a $10 discount).  Include your scout’s name, current grade, and Youth T-shirt size. 

There are no sharks in Heritage’s Lake Courage…  but some scouts prefer to take their swim tests in advance in a swimming pool!  Tests are being held at Bethel Park’s high school on April 27, May 11, and May 18 from 4:30-6:00- see your Den Leader for details.  If you are going with a group, it is best to coordinate schedules and be there together because they put the results on a single sheet of paper that you turn in at Heritage this summer.

Baloo training  This is a one-day training session where you will learn what is needed to run a fun and safe Cub Scout Camping weekend.  It is a fun training session- promise!  Our boys will benefit from you attending & implementing what you learn when we have a Fall Campout.

A Project!  Have you ever wanted to help out, but didn’t know where to start?  Here’s a project that needs an owner- Getting a new Pack Flag!  We need a new flag.  Our current flag is outdated- our Council name and Unit number have both changed.  Could you help the Pack solve this problem (the pack will pay for the flag, of course) ?  If so, please email  with the subject “Pack Flag” .

Monday, April 21, 2014

Reminder: Adult/Leaders Meeting tonight 8pm; Westminster 107

A reminder that we will gather for a very efficient (eg, quick/fast/standing) adult/leader meeting tonight at 8pm at Westminster Room 107.  With school starting tomorrow,  you may need to get routines back in place, so we'll move quickly through the agenda!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Reminder: Pack meeting tonight, other news & notes

A reminder that the full Pack will gather tonight, Monday April 7, at 7pm at Westminster's Fellowship Hall.  Come see what educational activity Cubmaster Rick has lined up for the evening.

Other notes:
  • The adult/planning meeting for this month will be on Monday April 21 at 8pm (due to spring break, it is moved to the following week).
  • The May camping trip has been canceled due to lack of adult volunteers.
  • Interested in Heritage Reservation camping, but not quite sure??  Check out the Rookie Camp,  This is a one-nighter that will introduce you and your Cub to the camping experience!
  • This year's Day Camp at South Park will be held Wed-Fri June 25-26-27.  Sign-ups will be at tonight's Pack Meeting

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cub Scout Leader/Adult meeting Mon 3/17

Take a break from your St. Patrick's day revelry and join us at Westminster Room 107 (enter by playground) at 8pm on Monday 3/17 for our monthly adult/leader planning meeting.

We'll be prepping for the upcoming April Court of Honor, May camping trip, summer Heritage camping and starting to pick dates for next year's Year in Scouting.  And, of course, we need your help to make this all a success!

Westminster Presbyterian Church
Room 107 (enter by playground, turn right down hallway)
Monday March 17, 2014

See you there...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Pack Meeting on Monday 3/10/2014 !

It seems like just last week that we gathered for the Blue & Gold and now it's time for a Pack Meeting!  Thanks to all for the yummy desserts and we hope that the Scouts enjoyed the celebration!

Monday, March 10.
7pm , Westminster Fellowship Hall
Theme: Camping!

Come find out all about the great opportunity for summer camping at Heritage Reservation!

Lost & Found:
From the B&G celebration, one glass plate (dessert table) and one Webelos neckerchief (from someone who crossed over, maybe?)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Reminder: Blue & Gold Celebration on Saturday (don't forget a ymmuy dessert!)

The doors for the Blue & Gold Celebration will open at 3:30 on Saturday afternoon 2/22 at Westminster's Fellowship Hall.
Cubmaster Rick will lead the ceremony beginning at 4pm.
Dinner at 5pm.

Don't forget to bring a easy-to-serve dessert to share!

This is our annual celebration of the Scouting year where we will honor the Cubs, especially the Webelos who are ready to cross over to Boy Scouts.

We look forward to seeing everyone there...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Adult/Leader Planning Meeting Monday 2/17 8pm Westminster

A reminder that there will be a Pack Planning meeting on Monday (2/17) at 8pm, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Room107 (enter by playground, right down hallway, right into room 107)

Come be a part as we prepare for spring & summer events (camping!) and begin next year's schedule.

Also, if you mailed your Blue & Gold RSVP after Wednesday last week, please e-mail with your total family count for dinner; we are late sending the final tally to the caterer and are afraid that some RSVPs are still on the way!  Thanks

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Reminder: Blue & Gold responses - due back !

For next weekend's Blue & Gold banquet, we need to release the final count to the caterer and are betting that some of you still have that response card sitting on the pile somewhere!
If you haven't already sent it back, please do so asap (so that we have enough seats & chicken for everyone to enjoy!).


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Reminder: Pack Meeting tomorrow (Mon 2/10) 7pm

As a reminder, the Pack will gather tomorrow evening at 7pm for our monthly Pack meeting.  Cubmaster Rick is asking each den to present their favorite skit or song at the Blue & Gold and will provide "breakout time" during the pack meeting for Dens to work on their skit/song.

Monday, Feb 10
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Fellowship Hall

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blue & Gold ; vegetarian and gluten-free options

Sorry - forgot to include in prior note!

If you have need of vegetarian or gluten free meal(s), please contact and we will work with the caterer.

Looking forward to our annual Blue & Gold Celebration!

By now, hopefully you have received (in the USPS mail) your invitation to the annual Blue & Gold Celebration on Sat. Feb 22 (if you haven't received it, please e-mail !).

At this yearly "birthday of Scouting" event, we'll enjoy presentations at 4pm, including the crossing-over event of our Webelos IIs into Boy Scouts.  Dinner will begin at 5pm.  With a new caterer (Elegant Accent), our menu this year will be lemon chicken, mashed potatoes, garden salad, mixed vegetables and garlic bread.

We ask each family to bring an easy-to-serve dessert to share, such as cookies or cupcakes.

We really still need help in the days prior, during (12-2pm) and during the event.  Please contact to ensure that this is a great event for our Scouts.

...If you haven't yet received your invitation, please e-mail so that we can be sure to see you there!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pinewood Derby - Event Times

Good morning.
As you put the finishing touches on your car...

Friday night 1/24  7pm-9pm Check In
  • Come any time between 7 & 9 to have your car inspected
  • You will be able to make modifications to weight, etc prior to acceptance by the Pit Crew
  • Once a car has been accepted into the Pit, it cannot be further modified without reinspection
  • All cars must be accepted into the Pit by 9pm to be eligible for Saturday's race
Saturday morning 1/25 9:30-  Race Day
  • Doors open at 9:30am
  • Voting for favorite cars from 9:30-10:45
  • First race at 10am
See you then...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Reminder: Adults & Leaders Meeting tonight (Mon 1/20) 8pm in Rm107

A reminder that an open adult/leaders meeting will be held tonight in Westminster's Room 107 (by playground) at 8pm.  All are welcome as we finalize Derby, plan for Blue & Gold and future camping events.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Reminder: Pack Meeting tonight (Mon 1/13) 7pm @ Westminster

Just a reminder that the Pack will gather tonight at Westminster at 7pm.

Have a good day.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pinewood Derby - car workshop; Jan 11 12-3pm

For those new to the Derby experience, Mr John Pikras has once again graciously offered to assist in the "cutting of the cars" workshop.  He will be available on Sat.Jan 11 from 12pm-3pm in the garage at 408 Clair Drive.  All are welcome to stop by during that time for assistance at this workshop.

The race - just 18 days away (Jan25)!  Have you already started, or will you wait until a few days before and have the paint drying as you deliver the car on Friday?