Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cub Scout Leader/Adult meeting Mon 3/17

Take a break from your St. Patrick's day revelry and join us at Westminster Room 107 (enter by playground) at 8pm on Monday 3/17 for our monthly adult/leader planning meeting.

We'll be prepping for the upcoming April Court of Honor, May camping trip, summer Heritage camping and starting to pick dates for next year's Year in Scouting.  And, of course, we need your help to make this all a success!

Westminster Presbyterian Church
Room 107 (enter by playground, turn right down hallway)
Monday March 17, 2014

See you there...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Pack Meeting on Monday 3/10/2014 !

It seems like just last week that we gathered for the Blue & Gold and now it's time for a Pack Meeting!  Thanks to all for the yummy desserts and we hope that the Scouts enjoyed the celebration!

Monday, March 10.
7pm , Westminster Fellowship Hall
Theme: Camping!

Come find out all about the great opportunity for summer camping at Heritage Reservation!

Lost & Found:
From the B&G celebration, one glass plate (dessert table) and one Webelos neckerchief (from someone who crossed over, maybe?)