Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last Call for District Pinewood Derby Race!

Conestoga District Race!
Last call! Contact by end of today (Sunday 2/28) to get your Cub's car in the race!

Sunday, March 7
Galleria Mall
Check-in 11:15am, races 12pm
$7.50 per scout (can use popcorn funds)

Rules & Info:

Scouts from all over the South Hills come together for this huge raceday; All Cubs are invited to participate. These are speed races only; there is no design contest.

Already on "the list":
Sam G
Nick D
Alex & Jacob P
Alex & Joshua B
J.Brandon W
Luke B
Jack M

Thanks to John P for volunteering to help

Pack 661 had 4 Cubs participate last year:
  • Alex B finished 1st among Bears and 3rd overall
  • Jacob P finished 3rd among all Bears
  • Nick D finished 7th among all Wolves
  • J.Brandon W finished 3rd among all Tigers

Friday, February 26, 2010

Race Schedules!

We have 72 cars in the Pit and ready to race!

Webelos and Bears...races will start at 8am

Wolves and Tigers...9:30am (or at end of early races)

The Race Lineup:

Be sure to get your voting slip to choose design winners - there are some great cars there...

Get some sleep and be careful in the morning!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are you Ready to Race ? (Pack and District Pinewood Derby)

** New Info (see below); District Pinewod Derby ***

Car Numbers
If your Cub would like to include their number on their car: by last name, displaying first initial only for privacy)(These numbers are used in the pit to manage races)

Design Categories
On race day, each person in attendance will get to vote on their favorite car; this year's categories:
· Best Overall Design
· Most Creative
· Most "Scouting" related
· Most Patriotic

Complete Pack 661 Derby Info:

Check-in Friday 2/26
Fellowship Hall 7-9pm
Bring your car any time between 7pm and 9pm for official weigh-in, acceptance and check-in.

* Cars must be accepted into the pit by 9pm Friday to be eligible to race.

Pack 661 Race!
Saturday 2/27
Fellowship Hall
Doors open at 7:45 am
Webelos Races start at 8am
Followed by Bears, then Wolves, then Tigers
(Wolves and Tigers get to sleep in !)
Each car races 4 times (once in each lane)

** If any parents are available to assist in "the pit", please let know!

Conestoga District Race!
March 7
Galleria Mall
$7.50 per scout (can use popcorn funds)
Scouts from all over the South Hills come together for this huge raceday; All Cubs are invited to participate. Pack 661 had 4 Cubs participate last year:
  • Alex B finished 1st among Bears and 3rd overall
  • Jacob P finished 3rd among all Bears
  • Nick D finished 7th among all Wolves
  • J.Brandon W finished 3rd among all Tigers
Registration must be through Cubmaster of Pack 661 by Sunday 2/28
We must have an adult volunter from our Pack help at the race

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Derby Week 2010

(Webelos IIs/5th graders - please check this recent post: )

Welcome to P661 Derby Week 2010 !
Pat G has the track ready! Is your car painted? Wheels On? or...thinking about starting it this weekend?

Pack Meeting
Monday, February 22
Westminster Church Fellowship Hall
Agenda: Pinewood Derby workshop/readiness.
The "formal" part of the meeting will be fairly short to allow time for the Derby workshop...
Get your photo taken (if you missed the Jan 31 meeting), weigh your car and ask any questions you might have about the Derby.

Car Numbers:
If your Cub would like to include their number on their car: by last name, displaying first initial only for privacy)(These numbers are used in the pit to manage races)

Design Categories
On race day, each person in attendance will get to vote on their favorite care; this year's categories:
· Best Overall Design
· Most Creative
· Most "Scouting" related
· Most Patriotic

Check-in Friday 2/26
Bring your car any time between 7pm and 9pm for official weigh-in, acceptance and check-in.
* Cars must be accepted into the pit by 9pm Friday to be eligible to race.

Race! Saturday 2/27
Doors open at 7:45 am
Webelos Races start at 8am
Followed by Bears, then Wolves, then Tigers
(Wolves and Tigers get to sleep in !)
Each car races 4 times (once in each lane)

** If any parents are available to assist in "the pit", please let know!

Complete Derby Info:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Webelos II News and Meeting Changes

Below is a note from Clay about the transition of Webelos II to Boy Scouts. The calendar has been updated for meeting changes, but please read all the news.


Starting Tuesday February 23rd the boys will start their transition to Boy Scouts by attending the Troop 366 Boy Scout meeting in room 107 Westminster Church from 7:30 to 9:00. Boy Scout meetings are every Tuesday in this room. For the boys moving on to Boy Scouts they should start attending these weekly meetings. If your son is not sure about joining Boy Scouts at least have them attend a couple meetings and a few scout activities. Boy Scouts is a lot more action oriented then Webelos.

Prior to the official cross over in April (Blue Gold Banquet on April 9th and Webelos Woods Cross over and campout on April 10 & 11), Keith and I will work with the boys at the Boy Scout meetings to finish up any remaining Arrow of Light requirements. Also, we will still participate in the pinewood derby so get those cars ready!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pinewood Derby Car Numbers

If your Cub would like to include their number on their car:
(sorted by last name, displaying first initial only for privacy)

(These numbers are used in the pit to manage races)

More Derby Info:

News & Notes; Winter Wonderland & Pinewood Derby

Winter Wonderland rescheduled for 2/20
The Trax Farms event which was canceled last week will be held on Sat. February 20.
We can adjust registrations if anybody wants to be added to the list - the deadline is Tuesday 2/16 5pm to change

Pack Meeting 2/22
Monday 2/22 7pm
Pinewood Derby workshop - photos for licenses, scale to test car weight, portions of track to test it out...stay tuned for full agenda.

Pinewood Derby
The complete info:
Check-in Friday 2/26
Bring your car any time between 7pm and 9pm for official weigh-in, acceptance and check-in.
** Cars must be accepted into the pit by 9pm Friday to be eligible to race.

Race! Saturday 2/27
Webelos Races start at 8am
Followed by Bears
Then Wolves
Then Tigers
(Wolves and Tigers get to sleep in !)
Each car races 4 times (once in each lane)

** If any parents are available to assist in "the pit", please let know!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Leader Roundtable for tonight; canceled

The monthly leader roundtable scheduled for tonight, 2/10/2010, has been canceled due to the weather.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Canceled: Scout Sunday at Westminster Church 2/7/10

Due to the weather, tomorrow's Scout Sunday services at Westminster have been canceled/postponed. More info on rescheduling later.
Stay warm.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Scout Sunday; final information...

Scout Sunday
This Sunday!
February 7th
Westminster Church
11am service

Please try to arrive at 10:30 am as we will be handing out bulletins and an honor guard to bring in the flags.

Also, we will try to have all of the families and Cubs sit together (sorry - that's a change from prior note!)

If you haven't already, please let us know that you plan to be there as we begin the 100 year celebration!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

News & Notes 2/3/2010

Thanks to all who brought supplies and helped at this Sunday's Pack Meeting. Time flew by - rest assured that we'll put fire safety/fire starters on the agenda for a later event for the younger cubs who didn't have enough time!

Scout Sunday
This Sunday! February 7th
Westminster Church
11am service
Please have scouts in uniform in attendance at the service. We'll need a couple of Cubs to help with bulletins. If you haven't already, please let us know that you plan to be there as we begin the 100 year celebration! We will not be sitting as a group; rather, we'll show our numbers through our participation throughout the congregation.

Lego crafts/cards for Patrick O'
Wolf Den #2 has invited the Pack to join in on this great idea for Patrick. Cubs are making lego items (using existing lego blocks from the "stash at home") and writing cards for Patrick. If your son would like to create a ship/dinosaur/bird/whatever for Patrick and write a card, creations can be dropped off at the library (children's floor-look for Jennifer) on Thursday Feb 11 between 7-8pm. Creations can also be dropped at Jennifer's house or the Cubmaster's...questions - e-mail