Friday, April 22, 2011

Are you ready for some spring camping?

Are you ready for some camping?

When: May 14th - 15th

Time: Arrive Saturday at 10:00am - Leave on Sunday at 11:00am
If you would like to add an extra day you can camp-out Friday night.

Where: Elson Farm, Toronto, Ohio (about 45 minutes drive)
An adult must attend with your child.

Cost: Come on out and spend time with your son; the Pack handles all food and activity costs!

What will we do??? It’s a Shoot Out!!!

We will make Marshmallow Shooters, Shoot off Rockets, Water Bombs, Cook Outdoors, make S’mores, Hiking and maybe learn a thing or two.

Sign up here for the May camping trip! (Those who signed up on the paper form at the Blue&Gold do not need to sign up again; you are already on the list!)

All Pack 661 news & information is posted on .

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Reminder: Scouting for Food collections on Sunday 4/17/2011

Thanks to all who made tonight's Blue & Gold Dinner the celebration of the Year in Scouting. Congratulations to all scouts who achieved their advancements!


Tomorrow (Sunday) is our Scouting for Food collection day.

Last week at the services at Westminster, over 500 empty bags were passed out.

This week, the good people of Westminster will return those bags filled with food and we need you there ! Boys in uniform and adults to help move/sort & box will be well received by the parishoners.

If you have a wagon, please bring it!

Meet at the front of the Church between:

8am-8:15am (for the 8:30am service)

9:15am-9:30am for the (9:45am service in the WROC)

10:30-10:45am (for the 11am service)

Sorting & boxing will occur in Fellowship Hall throughout the morning.

See you there!

All donations go to SHIM - South Hills Interfaith Ministries

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Scouting For Food & other service opportunities

Help Needed with Scouting For Food: Community Service - giving back to the community - is a big part of the scouting mission. Scouting for Food is scouting's big community service effort. Please consider assisting with this effort. Not a lot of time is required - a half hour of your scout's time. Here is what is needed: 1. Hand out bags for the collection of food goods at the end of services at Westminster Church this Sunday, April 10. Services are at 8:30 AM, 9:45 AM, and 11 AM. Plan to come in uniform about 30 minutes after start of services to be available to hand out bags as members leave services. We currently have no one to help with the 8:30 AM service, and could still use more help at the other two. Joyce B. will be available to provide the bags for us. 2. Food goods will need to be collected before the start of services at Westminster Church the next Sunday, April 17 at all three services. Plan to arrive in uniform, 20 - 30 minutes before start of services and stay about 10 minutes after for stragglers and to pack items in boxes. This is a day we truly need your help. All those able to help, please contact Joyce at or contact your den leader to let her/him know when you can help. Now for scouts Scouting For Food. Den leaders have been informed of availability of Scouting For Food bags for scouts to pass out to their neighbors or family. Pass these bags out along with some information as to when you will pick them up. Just bring the items you pick up from family/neighbors to our Blue & Gold Banquet next Saturday April 16. We'll collect your items when you come in! Extra community service hours available for those interested in packing up those items! Not to mention the good feeling in helping those in need. Another "hold that date" service op - Westminster playground clean-up Saturday, May 7th at 9 AM. Come prepared with work gloves, rakes, brooms and leaf blowers (all items labeled with name). Also be prepared with a towel or change of clothes - some water will be involved in cleaning off playground equipment and outside toys. We hope many of you will help with this project. It's our way of saying "Thank You" to Westminster Church for allowing us to use their facilities for all of our Pack events. Thank you in advance for giving of your time and resources as we give back to our community!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blue & Gold Banquet April 16

Blue & Gold Banquet is on Saturday April 16 at 4 PM Westminster Church Fellowship Hall If you have not already sent in your RSVP for your scout's family, you may still do so - and we urge you to do so soon. Either mail the response card to Colleen - or you can drop it off at her house - she has a milk box on her front porch that you can drop it into. A response is helpful even if you are unable to attend. To those of you who responded already - Thank You!