Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Popcorn Pickup and...save the date..Historic Flag Ceremony at Flag Plaza

Popcorn Pickup...
Hello everyone! Popcorn pickup will be Saturday November 2nd from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Fellowship Hall; the same room in which we have our Pack meetings.

If you need anything or have questions, please shoot me an email at kernel661@verizon.net. And if you need to get in touch with me on pickup day, I can be reached on 412-770-7673.

Thanks for selling and see you on the 2nd!

Looking ahead ....
Pack Meeting
November 11, Westminster
Historic Flag Ceremony
New Event - we just received our confirmation!
Thursday , November 14, 6:30pm
Pack 661's night at Flag Plaza in downtown Pittsburgh for a tour and history of our flags...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October Pack Meeting Recap

We had at least 47 scouts at last night's meeting.  Great Turnout!  Our scouts did us proud by being attentive and quiet during the presentation.

Popcorn orders and money were turned in last night.  If you still need to do this, get in touch with Dan at kernel661@verizon.net today!

Please RSVP to the Elson Farm campout link by 8:00 PM tonight.  Do it online here:  http://cubscouts661.blogspot.com/2013/10/are-you-ready-for-some-camping-oct-1920.html  

Join us for an opening flag ceremony tonight for USC Field Hockey.  Meet 7:20 at field behind Boyce Middle School.  Anthem will happen sometime between 7:30 and 8. 

Adults interested in BALOO training- please contact cubscouts661@verizon.net  to register for the October 26 session.  Please contact Tuesday or Wednesday so we can register in time.

We are ordering uniform patches (red 661, council shoulder patch, purple world crest, and den number).  These will be distributed by the den leaders when the order arrives.

Next month's Pack meeting is back to our normal Westminster Church location at 7 PM.  The meeting focuses on advancements- please report any advancements to your den leaders.

…and don't forget to change your smoke alarm batteries next month when the clocks change!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

News for tomorrow (Monday) night's Pack Meeting

Reminder- The Monday, October 14 Pack Meeting will be held at our usual 7 PM at the Upper St Clair Fire Station (you can park at the fire station).  We will be trained in how to use a fire extinguisher, and then get a chance to use it on an actual fire.

Before the excitement begins, we will have a few pieces of business to cover:

1. If you have not already paid this fall, Please bring your $50 dues.  Cash or a check made out to Pack 661.

2. Popcorn order forms and checks are due tonight as well.

3. Den Leaders- please send an email with your den's roster (names and emails at a minimum) to cubscouts661@verizon.net by the end of the night Monday (a few have already been sent; no need to re-send).  We need an accurate roster to process the popcorn and dues payments.

4. "Last Call" for next weekend's overnight camping.  Please see http://cubscouts661.blogspot.com/2013/10/are-you-ready-for-some-camping-oct-1920.html  for details and RSVP using the link there.  Signups need to close on Tuesday night at 8 PM in order to plan for activities and food.

We also announce that the scouts have been invited to be part of a flag ceremony.  We need some scouts to present the flag at a USC Girls Field Hockey game for the National Anthem.

We will meet at the artificial turf field at Boyce Middle School at 7:20 in uniform on Tuesday October 15th.  Please let Greg know if you can attend at sarkett@verizon.net> or sign up at the Pack meeting.

Monday, October 7, 2013

October happenings in Cub Scout Pack 661

A few highlights of our busy month...

Sun Oct 13 - Cub Fun Day -at South Park (http://cubscouts661.blogspot.com/2013/09/sign-up-for-cub-fub-day-corrected-email.html)

Mon Oct 14 - Pack Meeting - 7pm at Fire Station.  Please note that we'll be meeting across the street from our usual - at the Fire Station, 7pm on Monday the 14th.
Also - Popcorn forms are due by Oct 14 (http://cubscouts661.blogspot.com/2013/10/popcorn-sale-faq.html)

Sat/Sun Oct 19-20 - Pack Camping - sign up now via http://cubscouts661.blogspot.com/2013/10/are-you-ready-for-some-camping-oct-1920.html

Sat Nov 2 (tentative-stay tuned) Popcorn distribution.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Are you ready for some camping (Oct 19/20)

The leaves are starting to fall which means...it's time for an overnight camping trip!

Saturday Oct 19 - Sunday Oct 20

Once again at Elson Farm in nearby Toronto OH (near Stuebenville) this trip should be good fun for the Cubs and parents!

For those attending, please submit the form at:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFBmRjE0TFFmNkMySXNHNFhLWDZJdkE6MA#gid=0

The camping committee could use a person or two in pre-support (planning) and activity help, so please let us know via the form that you are able to tune in!

Enjoy the weekend !

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Popcorn Sale FAQ

A few answers to the top questions regarding popcorn sale...
1) When do we need to have our forms turned in? October 14th to Dan C.  

2) What are the minimum sales levels for new cubs vs returning cubs?
 $100.00 for new cubs.  $250.00 for returning veteran cubs.

3) What are the prize levels/amounts?
Patch (at least one sale)
$300 Sales ($10 Wal-Mart or Target GC)
$600 Sales ($20 Wal-Mart or Target GC)
$900 Sales ($30 Wal-Mart or Target GC)
$1200 Sales ($50 Wal-Mart or Target GC)
$1500 Sales ($75 Wal-Mart or Target GC)
$1800 Sales ($100 Wal-Mart or Target GC)
$2100 Sales ($125 Wal-Mart or Target GC)
$2400 Sales ($150 Wal-Mart or Target GC)

4) When is pick-up?: We expect to have popcorn ready for you to pick up on 11/1 or 11/2, maybe 11/3, depending on when council releases it to us.

If you have any other questions, please contact cubscouts661@verizon.net and we'll get the info to you...