Friday, April 25, 2014

Pack 366 (!) news

Day camp early bird deadline was extended!  Day Camp is Wed-Thurs-Fri June 25-26-27 at South Park.  If you want to attend but have not yet signed up, please send an email to with “Day Camp” in the subject.  Please do it by Sunday night to take advantage of the $55 rate (a $10 discount).  Include your scout’s name, current grade, and Youth T-shirt size. 

There are no sharks in Heritage’s Lake Courage…  but some scouts prefer to take their swim tests in advance in a swimming pool!  Tests are being held at Bethel Park’s high school on April 27, May 11, and May 18 from 4:30-6:00- see your Den Leader for details.  If you are going with a group, it is best to coordinate schedules and be there together because they put the results on a single sheet of paper that you turn in at Heritage this summer.

Baloo training  This is a one-day training session where you will learn what is needed to run a fun and safe Cub Scout Camping weekend.  It is a fun training session- promise!  Our boys will benefit from you attending & implementing what you learn when we have a Fall Campout.

A Project!  Have you ever wanted to help out, but didn’t know where to start?  Here’s a project that needs an owner- Getting a new Pack Flag!  We need a new flag.  Our current flag is outdated- our Council name and Unit number have both changed.  Could you help the Pack solve this problem (the pack will pay for the flag, of course) ?  If so, please email  with the subject “Pack Flag” .

Monday, April 21, 2014

Reminder: Adult/Leaders Meeting tonight 8pm; Westminster 107

A reminder that we will gather for a very efficient (eg, quick/fast/standing) adult/leader meeting tonight at 8pm at Westminster Room 107.  With school starting tomorrow,  you may need to get routines back in place, so we'll move quickly through the agenda!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Reminder: Pack meeting tonight, other news & notes

A reminder that the full Pack will gather tonight, Monday April 7, at 7pm at Westminster's Fellowship Hall.  Come see what educational activity Cubmaster Rick has lined up for the evening.

Other notes:
  • The adult/planning meeting for this month will be on Monday April 21 at 8pm (due to spring break, it is moved to the following week).
  • The May camping trip has been canceled due to lack of adult volunteers.
  • Interested in Heritage Reservation camping, but not quite sure??  Check out the Rookie Camp,  This is a one-nighter that will introduce you and your Cub to the camping experience!
  • This year's Day Camp at South Park will be held Wed-Fri June 25-26-27.  Sign-ups will be at tonight's Pack Meeting