Monday, November 28, 2011

Adult Planning/Leaders Meeting NEXT week (12/5/2011)

Pack 661 leadership meeting, Monday, December 5 at 8:00 in the Family Room (Room #107 by playground) at Westminster. Hoping to discuss Pinewood, Blue and Gold, registrations and need for a new treasurer (John B. will be "retiring" on 12/31 as his son moves to the Boy Scout Troop).

{{My apologies to anyone who was heading out tonight for the meeting, as originally announced at the Pack meeting. Cubmaster Rick sent me the above note to send out and I was a slacker in not getting it released in a timely fashion. Jeff}}

Friday, November 11, 2011

Popcorn is in; Please come get it !

An Update from the Popcorn Kernel

Thank you to all the Parents and Scouts that have picked up popcorn. I still have about 15-20 orders in my garage. I would really appreciate it if all the orders were picked up todoay (Friday November 11th) between 6-8pm so that I didn't have to move them to the multi-purpose room on Saturday. Not only could I park in my garage again but I would also have Saturday free.

2373 Morton Road (across from Morton Soccer fields and the little fire station)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pack Meeting; Monday November 14

A message from Cubmaster Rick...

Pack meeting Monday, November 14!!! We will be awarding Bobcat badges that have been earned, plus any summer awards, belt loops, etc.
Leaders - be sure to email your advancements in to Rick and John ASAP so we can be sure to have them for the meeting!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Update from the Popcorn Kernel

The popcorn has arrived earlier than expected. If you want to pick up your popcorn early from my house please see the times and dates below.
I would like to distribute all the popcorn from my house if possible, but understand if you can't make these dates. I will distribute any left over popcorn from the multipurpose room under the Library on Saturday November 12th.

If there is still popcorn left after the Saturday distribution you will need to call me to set up a time to pick it up. Parents please get your popcorn on time this year. I don't want to still have popcorn sitting in my spare bedroom come the first of the year!!!

Mon Nov 7 6-8pm
Thur Nov 10 5-8pm
Fri Nov 11 5-8pm
Sat Nov 12 10-2pm (Library multipurpose room)

Popcorn Kernel
Pack 661